Earl H. Smith
Earl H. Smith
"Set against the backdrop of a Lebanese-American mill town ghetto in the mid-1950s, this evocative work of historical fiction reflects a time when the emergence of television and the audacity of rock n’ roll sparked the spirit of the young, and opened for them a new world of hope and possibilities. Through the voice of a young girl, Earl Smith has masterfully written this fascinating story that will make you laugh and cry, and in the end, make you very glad you’ve read it."
--- Linda Greenlaw
Author of The Hungry Ocean, The Lobster Chronicles, Lifesaving Lessons, and others
--- Linda Greenlaw
Author of The Hungry Ocean, The Lobster Chronicles, Lifesaving Lessons, and others
A Maine native, Earl Smith is retired as Dean of the College at Colby College. He is the author of Mayflower Hill, a history of Colby, The Dam Committee, and More Dam Trouble. He and his wife Barbara live in Belgrade Lakes. [email protected]
"Head of Falls is so tenderly wrought, and so vividly evoked, that the vibrant heart of this lost neighborhood seems to beat still. As Earl Smith compellingly shows, it’s a rhythm born of struggle, love, and triumph. The time is different, and the place has changed, but they continue to speak to us today." Brian MacQuarrie, The Boston Globe Praise for HEAD OF FALLS -- by George Smith, Bangor Daily News
Earl Smith is a consummate storyteller. With a discerning eye, he has captured the wonder of the mid-1950s and the warmth of the Lebanese-American neighborhood where I grew up in an evocative, poignant, and often amusing tale that reflects the generosity of the human spirit and the optimistic nature of America’s immigrants. It is a great read.
--- Senator George J. Mitchell _____________ I had tears in my eyes at the end of this book, an inspiring, remarkable, and very thoughtful story in the voice of a wonderful young girl, a very timely tale of the way life should be, the way we wish life could be, for all of us. --- George Smith, Maine Author and Columnist |